I have been teaching for several years, both in church and in different business communities. I’ve been mentoring young girls my entire life and I’ve been a leader of different courses on leadership. I’ve been to workshops, discussing and working with leadership in all different areas of life. I’ve also always had a mentor. As important it is to lead others, you need someone leading you in order to be the best version you can be of yourself.
Digital marketing & Communication
I have a grad where I studied digital marketing, communication, graphic design, storytelling, business economics and branding awareness.
Websites, SEO and Analytics
I’ve taken courses in SEO and Google Analytics and know how to make your website pop on Google. I have also built this website and know very well how to manage sites as WordPress and Squarespace.
Commercial retouching and editing
I’ve done an internship at a commercial retouching studio. I learned what I need to know about professional retouching and different techniques. I manage retouching and editing techniques highly professional.
With that being said, you can basically hire me for whatever knowledge you want a piece of! Or if you just need an inspirational, motivational talk! I’m an open book really. Sign up below! If there’s something specific you wanna learn about – just right it in the message box and I’ll get back to you ASAP about pricing, what’s included and such. Yay, can’t wait!